SPF, which abbreviates Sender Policy Framework, is a verification system that is aimed at protecting against the so-called email counterfeiting. Essentially, this indicates sending a message from one email and making it appear to be sent from another one with the idea to scam in some manner the individual receiving it. When the SPF protection is active for a domain, a record that contains all the mail servers authorized to send messages with addresses part of the domain is made. The record is placed on all the DNS servers that route the Internet traffic across the globe, so they all will recognize if an e-mail message originates from a trustworthy server or not. The check is performed at the very first server where the e-mail goes through and in the first case the message is forwarded, while in the second it is removed and it never reaches the supposed recipient. Applying SPF records for your domains will stop all unwanted people from making use of your emails for harmful purposes.

SPF Protection in Shared Website Hosting

When you host your domain names in a shared website hosting account on our end and we handle the email addresses for them, you are able to enable SPF protection for them with a couple of clicks in your Hepsia Control Panel. This service is accessible in a section of its own where you can view which domains are already protected. For those which aren't, you'll be able to activate the SPF protection solution and set up a lot of things in the process - the hostnames of the mail servers that are permitted to send messages from your emails, the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the servers, as well as to create a rule that email messages can be sent only if your domain names include our MX records. The last option is the most secure one, and it can be used if we manage the e-mails for your domains and do not use a different email provider. The newly created records will be activated within 24 hours and nobody will be able to forge the FROM field in an e-mail with your e-mail addresses.

SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

The SPF protection attribute is available with all semi-dedicated servers, so if you host your domains in an account on our cloud website hosting platform, you're able to activate this particular service with ease for any of your domain names. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with the semi-dedicated accounts, features a really easy to use interface, which means that you do not have to be proficient in the use of computers in order to protected your email addresses. You'll simply need to type the hostname and the IP address of each mail server that you'd like to be allowed to send emails from your addresses and immediately after that the updated record will be active for the domain that you've chosen. As an extra option, we also allow you to control your outgoing email messages and protect your mailboxes further by allowing messages to be sent only if the domain involved has our MX records i.e. the email messages for the domain name have to be handled on our end and not by some other supplier. By doing this you will have even superior control and there will not be any chance for anyone to forge your e-mails for malicious intentions.