Every personal computer or server is run by an Operating System - the low-level program which communicates with the computer hardware, including peripheral devices such as a mouse and a printer, along with any apps that are currently installed on your system. Any program input through a command line or a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is processed by sending an Application Program Interface (API) request to the OS. On a server, each app runs within the parameters defined by the OS as well - priority, physical memory, processing time, etcetera. This is valid for both standard site scripts and server-side software such as a media server. When a virtual server is generated on a physical one, there can be two independent Operating Systems, referred to as guest OS and host OS, so that you can set up a different software environment on the very same machine.

Multiple OS in VPS Servers

Our VPS server packages come with three Linux distributions that you could pick from for the Operating System of your new hosting server - Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS. Apart from being totally free, the OSs are extremely stable and safe and the main reason to offer all 3 of them is to make sure that you'll be able to run each application that you'd like, because different pieces of software could have different requirements about the environment they can be used on. Each of the three OSs is supported by a vast community of web developers who have created a large number of software packages that you can install and use on your VPS. Based on the Operating System that you pick, you will also be able to select between three different Control Panels to control your hosting content. Needless to say, should you decide that you need another OS, we can always reinstall the server with it. As a paid upgrade, we also provide weekly updates of the Operating System for optimum stability and security.

Multiple OS in Dedicated Servers

We offer three Operating Systems with our dedicated server packages - CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian. They're all different Linux distributions and we offer them not only because they are 100 % free so they will not increase the low price of your new hosting server, but also because they are very secure and stable. Each of them is supported by a large community of developers, so you'll be given the option to choose from a myriad of software packages that you could install on your server if the app that you intend to employ has certain requirements. The Operating System will also determine what internet hosting Control Panel you can use because the Control Panels that we offer run on particular OSs only and since we want to provide you with as much versatility as possible, we offer several OSs and multiple Control Panels. In case you get a server with a certain Operating System, we will change it upon request in case it turns out that you'll need alternative one. We will also keep the OS updated weekly as a part of our optional Managed Services upgrade.